Honoring the Trees, Honoring Ourselves: A Tu B’Shvat Practice with Rabbi Batya Elana Ellinoy

Tu b'shvat,Mindfulness,Trees,spiritual,resilience

As we celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the New Year for the Trees, BaMidbar invites you to take a moment to honor not only the trees but also yourself through a short, meaningful practice led by our Rabbi-in-Residence, Rabbi Batya Elana Ellinoy.

Jewish tradition reminds us that just as every part of a tree has value—its roots, trunk, branches, and fruit—each part of ourselves is sacred, interconnected, and has something to offer. The Midrash in Bereshit Rabbah 41:1 teaches that just as a palm tree has no waste—its fruit for eating, its fibers for rope, its branches for shelter—so too, every person has unique gifts and a role to play in the world.

This Tu B’Shvat, Rabbi Batya offers a guided embodied practice of teshuva—a gentle turning inward—to reflect on what grounds us, supports us, and allows us to reach toward our own growth and flourishing. No matter your level of Jewish practice, this is an opportunity to root yourself in awareness, stand strong in resilience, and stretch toward what nourishes your well-being.

Join us in connecting to the wisdom of the trees and the wisdom within ourselves.

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