
New England Campus Professional Course: Mental, Emotional, and Social Health for Experiential Educators (MESH-EE)

New England Campus Professional Course: Mental, Emotional, and Social Health for Experiential Educators (MESH-EE)

Dates: May 10, 2023
Cost: Free! (made possible with support by Hillel Council of New England)
Location: Greater Boston - Exact Location TBD

Course Details

Through generous partnership with Hillel Council of New England, BaMidbar is thrilled to bring together campus professionals from across New England to prioritize the well-being of students. Hillel and campus professionals are uniquely situated to create positive environments where not only Jewish learning happens and Jewish identity is built, but also where mental health and wellness can flourish. This course is designed to support young adult-serving Jewish communal professionals in expanding their understanding of mental health and wellness through experiential education and a Jewish lens, in order to actively promote resilience and help their students thrive.

As a result of BaMidbar’s MESH-EE program, Hillel and Campus Professionals build the knowledge, skills, and confidence to:

  • Promote healthy social and emotional development for all of the youth they serve
  • Recognize when youth are at risk of experiencing mental health challenges
  • Explore connections between Jewish tradition and mental health and wellness
  • Create Jewish educational experiences through a whole-health wellness lens


Who It’s For

This is a regional course open to all Hillel and Campus Professionals who work at New England-based institutions of higher education. The content of this course is designed for student-facing professionals who work closely with young adults through programming and day to day engagement, as well as professionals who help support those who do that work. This course is for individuals who are interested in expanding their understanding of mental health and wellness in order to better support their students and actively promote social and emotional growth.



This in-person program will take place in the Greater Boston area. Specific details to follow.



This course is a full day, in-person, cohort-based experience. The program will begin at 9:30am and conclude at 5:30pm. The content and presentation will be a mix of experiential activities, frontal learning, small group discussion, and programming labs to help professionals synthesize learning and apply frameworks directly to their individual context. The goal is for educators to walk away with clear, concrete ideas about how to implement wellness and resilience-based theories into their programming.

Topics Include:

What’s Jewish About Mental Health and Wellness?

  • What is mental health? What is wellness?
  • Whole health wellness through a Jewish lens
  • Exploring Protective Factors and Risk Factors

Meeting Students Where They Are on the Mental Health Continuum

  • Mental Health through a DEI lens
  • Designing Experiences for an Anxious, Stressed-Out World
  • Bottom-up Regulation

Moving Students from Languishing to Flourishing

  • Facilitating for Resilience
  • Positive Psychology
  • Strengths-based Facilitation

Combatting Burnout and Promoting Workplace Wellness

  • Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Secondar Trauma
  • Boundaries and Levels of Personal and Communal Care


Registration Details

Please complete this form to register. If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to reach out to Emily at EmilyH@BaMidbarTherapy.org.


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