BaMidbar Announces Senior Team Promotions

Emily Heeren, Brett Hausler, and Gabriela Lupatkin receive promotions in recognition of the expanding roles and responsibilities of their work as BaMidbar continues to grow. Mazel tov!

Boston, June 3, 2024: BaMidbar is thrilled to share that three members of its Senior Leadership Team have been promoted, reflecting their expanding roles and responsibilities.

Chief Programs Officer and Interim Chief Executive Officer

On April 15, 2024, BaMidbar announced that founding CEO, Jory Hanselman Mayschak, would be stepping down as of July 1st and that Emily Heeren was both being promoted to Chief Programs Officer effective immediately and would additionally begin serving as Interim CEO upon Jory’s departure.

Other than Jory, Emily is the most tenured member of the staff, having joined BaMidbar in 2018. Since then she has held many positions, most recently as Director of Programs and Partnerships. She brings a deep understanding of where BaMidbar has been, where it is now, and where it’s going.

Chief Operating Officer

Brett first joined BaMidbar as Director of External Relations in the fall of 2021 and, after a brief hiatus, was appointed Director of Business Relations in Spring 2023.

Over the past year, BaMidbar has grown significantly, going from 5 to 10 employees spread over four US states. Similarly, BaMidbar’s budget, financial operations, and other core areas of activity have become increasingly complex, all of which Brett has managed, and continues to manage, with savvy and unrivaled attention to detail.

Clinical Director

Gabriela joined BaMidbar in the summer of 2023 as Director of Clinical Services in Boston during which time she has both overseen clinical activities and contributed to educational programming. She worked closely with BaMidbar’s previous Clinical Director, Nick Magle-Haberek, who departed in early May.

As outlined in BaMidbar’s Strategic Plan, BaMidbar is building out-patient clinical programs in multiple states. Gabriela’s promotion to Clinical Director recognizes the central role she was already playing in this new phase of BaMidbar’s work as a seasoned therapist and the expanding responsibilities that come with a growing program.

Please consider saying “mazel tov” to Emily, Brett, and Gabriela by making a contribution to BaMidbar in their honor!

Mazel tov, Emily, Brett, and Gabriela!